Yogurt Dip

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Yogurt Dip

This lactose-free yogurt dip has been our saving grace in that we are able to make food creamy, have dips for chicken tender strips and chicken patties and  drizzles and dollops on chili.  Basically we use this instead of sour cream and ranch. The Luvele Yogurt Maker has been a game changer for our family!


  • 1 cup 24-hour yogurt (or any other yogurt you tolerate)

  • ¼ tsp each of sea salt, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika (make sure there are no added starches)

    • I also occasionally add cumin and or coriander if I am serving it with Mexican food

  • 1 tsp lemon


  1. Whisk spices and lemon into yogurt.  Chill and serve with favorite dishes.  This keep several days in the fridge. 


24-Hour Fermented Yogurt


Cream Cheese