Red Lentil and Butternut Squash Stew


Red Lentil and Butternut Squash Stew

This is a cozy meal full of warm spices and veggie goodness.  And a bonus that it is easy super to put together.  We very often top it with roasted butternut squash because we literally roast trays of butternut squash every day.  Every. Day.  In the recipe, I note where you can also just add the squash into the mix and cook it with the lentils - whatever is easier.  This stew can be topped with so many different options - roasted butternut squash, salsa, avocados, chopped cilantro or even sausage (additive-and sugar-free) for a more filling meal.

Prep Time: 15 Minutes (plus overnight soak for lentils) Cook Time: 40 minutes


  • 2 TBSP olive oil

  • ½ onion, finely chopped

  • 2 cups butternut squash, small cubes (you can either roast on a tray with olive oil and salt while the stew is cooking or add into the stew to cook)

  • 1 zucchini, chopped

  • 1 cup red cabbage, chopped

  • 1 tsp each of cumin, turmeric and coriander - make sure your spices have no added starches

  • 1 TBSP freshly grated ginger

  • 1 ½ cups dried red lentils - soaked overnight, rinsed and drained

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 3 cups homemade chicken/veggie broth or water


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion and a pinch of salt and sauté for 3-4 minutes.

  2. Add the cubed butternut squash and sauté for 3-4 minutes.

  3. Add the zucchini and red cabbage and sauté for 3-4 minutes.

  4. Add the freshly grated ginger and spices and stir into the veggie mix, stirring for about 30 seconds.

  5. Add the lentils, salt and broth and bring to a boil.

  6. Lower the heat and simmer for 25 minutes until lentils and squash are soft.

  7. Serve warm with any topping you like!


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