Breakfast Tacos


Breakfast Tacos

This always feels like a fun, sort of special breakfast - perfect for a lazy weekend morning. We do a scrambled egg with veg and then simple toppings - avocado, yogurt dip, cheese, cilantro and your favorite salsa. We also serve it with whatever tortillas work for everyone’s dietary restrictions - red lentil tortillas - or non-SCD options for those that can - Siete grain-free tortillas, corn or flour tortillas. You can also eat all of this in bowl sans tortilla!

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 TBSP extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 TBSP grass-fed, cultured butter

  •  1 large zucchini, shredded — squeeze out some moisture

  • 6 eggs

  • 1 tsp dried dill weed

  • Garnish: Cilantro, yogurt dip, salsa, pico de gallo, cheese, avocado


  1. In a non-stick pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat and sauté the zucchini and sauté for another 6-8 minutes - I let it go awhile until all the moisture evaporates

  2. While the zucchini mixture is cooking, whisk the eggs and dill weed together in a small bowl.  

  3. Add the 1 TBSP butter to the pan, and then pour eggs into the pan swirling the zucchini and eggs together. Let sit undisturbed for 1-2 minutes.  

  4. Over low heat, continue to stir the eggs often until they are cooked to your liking. We like large pieces, well-cooked.

  5. Warm up your tortilla of choice (we heat them in a dry cast iron pan) and garnish as you like!


Smoked Salmon Dip


Zucchini and Cheese Frittata