Raspberry Jam

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Raspberry Jam

My daughter loves loves loves this jam.  It is great smeared on grain-free bread with cashew butter or cream cheese and quite tasty plain by the spoonful.

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 10 oz bag of frozen raspberries

  • 1 TBSP lemon juice and ¼ cup water

  • ½ TBSP gelatin - I use Great Lakes Beef Gelatin

  • 1 TBSP pure honey (no additives)


  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, gently simmer the raspberries, water and lemon for approximately 10 minutes. 

  2. Let cool slightly and strain through a sieve or strainer.  I use a large metal bowl and strainer - it can be a bit messy pushing to get all the liquid through leaving the seeds behind.

  3. Pour liquid back in the saucepan over low heat until just warm (no need to boil) and sprinkle the gelatin over it.  Whisk until the gelatin is dissolved and add the honey.  

  4. Pour in a container and let set in the refrigerator.  This lasts 2-3 weeks, but you will probably finish it sooner!


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