Honey Sweetened Cranberry Sauce

Honey Sweetened Cranberry Sauce

We have tried so many honey sweetened cranberry sauces and finally landed on where the secret ingredient is one finely diced apple. The apple adds a good amount of sweetness, so we are able to add less honey - so many of the recipes we tried with orange zest and juice still required a lot of honey, which overpowered the cranberry sauce. The other trick here is to use a thick, white honey, not your typical amber honey.

Prep Time: 15 minutes


  • 1 cup and 1 TBSP water

  • 1 medium-size apple, peeled and diced into small pieces - I use a sweet apple, like Pink Lady

  • 2 cups cranberries, rinsed (this is an 8 oz package)

  • 1/4- 1/3 cup thick white honey (I like Pacifica raw unfiltered coastal wildflower honey)


  1. Boil the water in a small to medium sized sauce pan,

  2. Add the apples, slightly cover and boil on low for 5 minutes until the apples soften.

  3. Add the cranberries and continue to boil on low for 5 minutes until you see the cranberries. Remove from the heat and smoosh the non-burst cranberries with back of a spoon.

  4. Stir in honey to taste.

  5. Let cool in the pan for about 30 minutes - it will thicken as it cools.

  6. Transfer to an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to a week.


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